Have you ever missed your shot?


There are times in your life when you see an opportunity and you get excited about it, but tell yourself you can act on it later. Then later comes and the opportunity is gone. I know that regret. The pain of regret is worse than the pain of failure. The pain of regret is the reminder that you let fear make decisions for you. I took action. Gift Cards Are Money

That store's business model was simple: buy more money for less money over and over everyday.

Personally witnessing that store's success got me excited and curious and angry. I hate seeing people knocking softballs out of the park while I'm sitting in the stands. That store wasn't even a "gift card buying business" they randomly added that counter.

But the owners (two spoiled goons who never had to fight for anything) were getting far more business from that counter than their 'actual' business. What irked me was that the goof balls thought they were rolling in cash because of their business savvy. I know those guys. They aren't businessmen. They couldn't make money in a town with a volcano spewing gold nuggets.

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